I have visited your site and you have done a great job.
The hard work and dedication you have put forth is very evident.
Your site is well designed and easily navigated. I am very
pleased to present you with the award you requested. Please
do not resize or alter the award in any way. Please link the
award back to:
Congratulations from all the staff at Art Space 2000.com.
You have won the "Gold Medal Web Award of Excellence"
for originality, overall design and appearance, ease of navigation,
and content. Keep up the good work. www.artspace2000
La commissione Ital Television Award (è l'unico riconoscimento
assegnato da un network di emittenti locali italiane: esperti
in streaming e broad casting ,web-designer, grafici professionisti),
dopo una attenta verifica, auspicando la presenza di streaming
dimostrativi, attribuisce l' Ital Television Award 2004 (con
la votazione complessiva di 47/60)
al sito: www.russoweb.com
Il sito RussoWeb
ha meritato il DannyDesign Award categoria argento, con
la valutazione di 85/100.
I miei complimenti per l'efficacia della grafica, moderna
e perfettamente funzionale, la semplicità di navigazione
e il rigore con il quale sono distribuiti i contenuti.
Una nota a favore anche per l'uso sobrio e non invadente
di Flash.
Official results regarding your web site http://www.russoweb.com
Congratulations from all the staff at Art Space 2000.com.
You have won the "World Web Award of Excellence"
originality, overall design and appearance, ease of navigation,
and content. Keep up the good work.
Congratulations, you are a winner of one
of my ConRoz.com bronze web awards!
Your site is well done.
Award Puntostostampa
I've not reviewed your site and you've done a wonderful
job, it was a pleasure reviewing it. I'm awarding you my 2004
Award for Website Excellent which is attached to this email.
Ecco il giudizio: